This site provides some simple, but we hope useful, tools for teaching of the A-level syllabus in Physical Geography. We have started by looking at the water-cycle, the carbon-cycle and a simple climate-change prediction model; topics which are core to the A-level specification for Geography in England. Further topics will be added in due course.
So, why have we done this? Quite simply, we want to raise the profile of our subject and of our institution. Many school students have never heard of Geology (or Geoscience or Earth Science) and have never considered that these might be subjects worth pursuing at University. These terms are really just different names for a subject you probably are familiar with—Physical Geography—and what we do is we use all the sciences to try and understand our planet and her history. If you enjoy Physical Geography, or if you want to do a science degree but can’t decide which one is most interesting, Geology (or Earth Science, or Geoscience) may be for you. It’s also one of the best degrees for getting a job—from mining and environmental protection to finance and teaching—geologists are welcome everywhere because employers value geologists’ unique ability to draw robust conclusions from disparate sources of incomplete information.